Narrated by Liam Neeson, the documentary feature tells the extraordinary story of how Denis Mulcahy, who served for 33 years with the NYPD and was a member of their elite Bomb Squad, founded 'Project Children' a program that brought children from across all communities in war torn Northern Ireland to the United States for the summer holidays giving them not only a respite from … [Read more...] about Special Showing of Award Winning “How to Defuse a Bomb” to Benefit Aisling Irish Center Scholarships
Rockland County Hibernians Condemn Defaming Rockland Restaurant Ad
At a time when the Irish American community of Rockland is able to gather for the first time in two years to honor their patron St. Patrick and celebrate the contributions that Irish immigrants have made to our nation, the Ancient Order of Hibernians are shocked and outrage that a local business, Bella Gianna’s of Congers, has decided to engage in advertising featuring the … [Read more...] about Rockland County Hibernians Condemn Defaming Rockland Restaurant Ad
With Deep Sadness We Announce the Passing of 2020 Aide to Grand Marshal Rich Lenihan
It is with profound sadness that we learn of the passing of Rich Lenihan. Rich was admitted to Nyack Hospital several days ago suffering from COVID-19. He fought a heroic fight against the virus and appeared to have won, but strength failed before his spirit. Rather than for succumbing to the virus, Rich will be remembered for his infectious smile and contagious laugh. He … [Read more...] about With Deep Sadness We Announce the Passing of 2020 Aide to Grand Marshal Rich Lenihan
Rockland Passes Resolution on Offensive Merchandise Targeting Irish Americans
Special Thanks to Legislators Tyer, Carey, and McGowan condemning the promotion of prejudice targeting Irish Americans for profit. Currently, there is a position condemning Amazon's sale of a "F*ck St. Patrick's Day Shirt (, we ask all who have not done so to do so. Irish Americans do not seek to be treated better than anyone … [Read more...] about Rockland Passes Resolution on Offensive Merchandise Targeting Irish Americans
NYC Parade Scholarship Opportunities
The New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade committee has announced its annual scholarship competition. This is a unique opportunity as the competition offers 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place award for both a College Level Scholarship and a High School Level Scholarship (i.e. existing high school and college students may compete, it is not limited to the more usual High School Senior … [Read more...] about NYC Parade Scholarship Opportunities