Brother and Sister Hibernians:
We, the 2013 New York State Hibernian Convention Committee, are working hard to ensure that each delegate and all of our guests have an unforgettable time in Saratoga Springs July 10th through July 13th.
Below you will find links for the forms for convention registration, major degrees, journal ads, and the golf outing registration. There is also a page with Hotel information showing where the Hibernian rate of $159 will be honored.
Also, we ask that you utilize this website, our Facebook page, and e-mail shown at the top of this page to obtain all the latest information available and to check for updates from now until the start of the convention.
Please note the deadlines listed in each form and register soon to avoid the higher prices as noted in the forms. An online payment system for the Convention packages and Golf outing will be announced soon on the this website and Facebook page.
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail or telephone us. The Committee is eager to assist you plan for this event and we look forward to seeing you in Saratoga Springs in July.
Karen Keane Stephen Curran
LAOH State Convention Chair AOH State Convention Chair
Jacqueline Clute Chris Bergman and Dave Cummings
LAOH Local Convention Chair AOH Local Convention Co-Chairs
Convention forms:
NOTE: The following Forms are in PDF format. Using tablets and phones to access these PDF links works but differing results occur depending on the device. For best results use a computer or laptop with either the Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer web browser.
Registration Form
Hotel Information
Journal Form
LAOH Degree Form
AOH Degree Form
Golf Outing Registration Form
Frequently Asked Questions about the Convention
Send us your questions via email to and we will update this section to benefit all convention attendees.