We are pleased to announce that the Rockland County Ancient Order of Hibernians will be hosting a Ceol Mór Festival that will include a pipe and drum competition on Saturday, July 22, 2017, at the Rockland GAA fields in Orangeburg, N.Y. We cordially invite you to join us for a complete day of competition with individual piping and drumming competition for players at all levels in the morning followed by band competitions for Grades 2–5 in the afternoon.
As you may know, there was void left last year when the Rockland County Féis cancelled their annual competition that, for many years, was the premier piping and drumming event in the tri-state area. The Rockland County AOH is proud to take on this tradition and carry this competition forward as Ceol Mór; a day of games that will be run “by pipers, for pipers.” We are also pleased to announce that this competition has been sanctioned by E.U.S.P.B.A.
Due to strong feedback from several players and bands, we have moved the competition to a Saturday rather than Sunday. We are looking for more feedback from you on what we can do to make this competition as special and as player-friendly as possible and welcome all ideas, suggestions, and comments. Our emails and phone numbers are listed below.
The Registration form for the Bagpipe Band Competition may be found here
The Registration form for the Individual Competition may be found here
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you on July 22nd.
Thank you very much,
Dermot & Jim
Dermot Moore Jim McDonnell
dermotomoore@gmail.com Jimmac786@verizon.net
646-302-5111 845-826-0941